Test za određivanje nivoa znanja

Izaberite najbolji odgovor za svako pitanje.

Molimo Vas da test radite iskreno (bez bilo čije pomoći) kako bismo što preciznije odredili vaš nivo znanja da bismo mogli da vas rasporedimo u grupu ili individualne na nivo koji u potpunosti odgovara Vašem nivou znanja (u suprotnom, možete se naći u grupi gde su svi bolji od vas ili obrnuto). Na pitanja odgovorite samo ukoliko zaista znate odgovor. Ako ne znate ili niste sigurni, bolje preskočite pitanje. Nemojte odgovarati po sistemu ,,zvuči mi da je ovo” i nemojte pogađati odgovore. Pitanja su raspoređena od najlakših (od A1 nivoa) ka sve težim. Ona na kraju će Vam biti zasigurno  najteža s obzirom na to da odgovaraju B2/C1 nivou znanja jezika.
Na kraju testa imate opciono pitanje- pisanje eseja, ali Vas molimo da ga napišete, pa bar to bilo i svega 15 rečenica jer će nam to još preciznije pokazati koji ste nivo budući da na testu na zaokruživanje uglavnom polaznici ispadnu nivo iznad od njihovog stvarnog baš zato što nekada pogađaju odgovore.

Jedina obavezna polja na testu su IME, PREZIME I EMAIL. Ne možete predati test i kliknuti na ,, submit'' ukoliko ne popunite ta polja. Pitanja na testu nisu obavezna i treba ih preskakati ako ne znate odgovore.


Kada predate test, izaći će vam nešto nalik na rešenja i sve će biti označeno kao netačno. To nisu rešenja, to je samo neka automatska poruka. Rezultat ćete dobiti od nas, mejlom u roku od 1 do 3 dana.

Ime i prezime
Broj telefona
What color is the sky?

Which animal says "meow"?

What shape is a ball?

What sound does a dog make?

How many legs does a spider have?

What is the opposite of "big"?

What do you use to write?

Which one is a vegetable?

Which number comes after 9?

Where do you sleep?

Which of these is a fruit?

Which is a type of transportation?

What do you do with your eyes?

What is the name of the day before Saturday?

What is the opposite of "hot"?

Which one is a house?

What is the past tense of "eat"?

How many months are in a year?

Which of these is a job?

Where does a fish live?

Which word completes this sentence: "He __ playing football yesterday."

Which sentence is correct?

Complete the sentence: "She ___ happy today."

What is the plural of "child"?

Where do you keep milk cold?

Choose the correct question: "Where ___ you last night?"

Which word describes something you wear on your head?

Which sentence is correct?

What time is it when the clock says "12:00"?

What is the past tense of "run"?

Which sentence is correct?

Which word is a verb?

What does a baker do?

Which is correct: "He is taller ___ her."

Choose the correct sentence:

What is the opposite of "early"?

Which word describes a person who designs buildings?

Complete the sentence: "If I ___ rich, I would travel the world."

Which sentence is in the past continuous tense?

Which of these is a place for learning?

Choose the correct word: "I ___ a book yesterday."

Which sentence correctly uses the Present Perfect tense?

Prvi deo testa sa pitanjima je preuzet od Face2face Cambridge Placement Test.