Test za određivanje nivoa znanja

Izaberite najbolji odgovor za svako pitanje.

Molimo Vas da test radite iskreno (bez bilo čije pomoći) kako bismo što preciznije odredili vaš nivo znanja da bismo mogli da vas rasporedimo u grupu ili individualne na nivo koji u potpunosti odgovara Vašem nivou znanja (u suprotnom, možete se naći u grupi gde su svi bolji od vas ili obrnuto). Na pitanja odgovorite samo ukoliko zaista znate odgovor. Ako ne znate ili niste sigurni, bolje preskočite pitanje. Nemojte odgovarati po sistemu ,,zvuči mi da je ovo” i nemojte pogađati odgovore. Pitanja su raspoređena od najlakših (od A1 nivoa) ka sve težim. Ona na kraju će Vam biti zasigurno  najteža s obzirom na to da odgovaraju B2/C1 nivou znanja jezika.
Na kraju testa imate opciono pitanje- pisanje eseja, ali Vas molimo da ga napišete, pa bar to bilo i svega 15 rečenica jer će nam to još preciznije pokazati koji ste nivo budući da na testu na zaokruživanje uglavnom polaznici ispadnu nivo iznad od njihovog stvarnog baš zato što nekada pogađaju odgovore.

Jedina obavezna polja na testu su IME, PREZIME I EMAIL. Ne možete predati test i kliknuti na ,, submit'' ukoliko ne popunite ta polja. Pitanja na testu nisu obavezna i treba ih preskakati ako ne znate odgovore.


Kada predate test, izaći će vam nešto nalik na rešenja i sve će biti označeno kao netačno. To nisu rešenja, to je samo neka automatska poruka. Rezultat ćete dobiti od nas, mejlom u roku od 1 do 3 dana.

Ime i prezime
Broj telefona
1. Tom: How are you? Steve _______.

2. Jane: What are these? Liz: ______ my birthday cards.

3. Are you married _____ single?

4. What’s your email _____?

5. My sister _______.

6. This is my friend. ______ French.

7. I’m _____ taxi driver.

8. My teacher’s from Canada, and _____ name’s Lisa.

9. Cambridge _____ a beautiful city.

10. John and Tom are ______ friends.

11. What’s your _____ sport?

12. Jim _____ have a car.

13. Excuse me. _____ a map of Cambridge, please?

14. JOE: When’s our next lesson? STEVE: ______ Wednesday.

15. I can _____ Spanish.

16. JANE: Is there a bus stop near here? SUE: _____ .

17. Anna ____ in a bank.

18. Let’s _____tennis today.

19. What time _____ get up in the morning?

20. Mel loves snow but Tom doesn’t _____ it.

21. Hi George! ______ a good weekend?

22. ______ to go for a pizza this evening?

23. I _____ to Italy for my holiday last year.

24. I ______18 years old when I started my first job.

25. I didn’t _____ TV last night.

26. My grandfather was born eighty years ______.

27. Sorry, I haven’t got _____ coffee. Is tea OK?

28. WAITER: Anything else, sir? CUSTOMER: _____ .

29. ____ is this T-shirt?

30. There aren’t ____ new houses in that street.

31. Hello, _____ I speak to Jane, please?

32. Look! It _____.

33. London is _____ expensive than New York.

34. Alex loves giving presents. He’s very _____ .

35. What’s ____? You look upset.

36. What _____ the food like at the party last night?

37. If you want to get fit, you _____ do more sport.

38. Jeff and Nancy _____ to watch a film tonight.

39. Have you ever ______ to Australia?

40. John _____ his wife in 2009.

41. Jane is the _____ girl in her class.

42. It was nice to meet you. See you _____ , I hope.

43. I’m _____ sorry, but I can’t come to your party tonight.

44. I enjoy _____ because I like laughing.

45. I’m sure _____ a great time at the party next Saturday.

46. Are you going shopping? _____ with you if you like.

47. ______ anything next Friday?

48. Excuse me, I ______ if you could show me the way to the train station?

49. How much time do you _____ doing your English homework?

50. In England people usually _____ hands when they first meet.

51. Hurry up or we’ll _____ our train!

52. I was so ______ yesterday because I fell asleep in class!

53. Many types of watches _____ in Switzerland.

54. SUSAN: I’ve got four sisters. RUTH _____ you?

55. What would you do if you _____ a million pounds?

56. I’m trying to _____ money to buy a new car.

57. You’re from Liverpool, ______ ?

58. You _____ to study hard if you want to pass your exams.

59. I’m usually too ______ after work to go out.

60. My parents _____ married since 1975.

61. If you go to London, the Tate Modern is really worth _______ .

62. I _____ home yesterday when it started raining.

63. People say English people tend ____ rather reserved.

64. Could you _____ me a favour please?

65. Take your umbrella ____ it rains.

66. Many new houses ____ in the town where I live.

67. _____ to post that card to Pete – it’s his birthday tomorrow.

68. I don’t know many people ____ still smoke nowadays.

69. Mary went to the party _____ of her headache.

70. I think I’ve got a cold. I can’t stop _____ .

71. If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you can _____ in a dictionary.

72. ______ I opened the window?

73. My doctor _____ me I should eat less meat.

74. William _____ me to go to the theatre with him next week.

75. Sorry, I didn’t quite _____ what you said.

76. I wish I _____ get up early every morning!

77. Jane _____ from Cambridge University with a degree in Law.

78. Hi Jenny. How’s it ____ ?

79. I don’t smoke now, but I _____ smoke 20 a day!

80. Paris is _____ the Eiffel Tower.

81. If I _____ earlier, I wouldn’t have been late for work.

82. JACK: Would you like me to help you? SUE: No it’s OK, but thanks ______ .

83. The film sounded Interesting, but it _____ to be really boring.

84. This time next week I _____ on the beach on holiday!

85. One argument _____ not smoking is that you save a lot of money!

86. I don’t _____ sides when my sisters have an argument.

87. I have never ______ to Scotland.

88. I’m going to ask my bank for a _____ to redecorate the kitchen.

89. ANDREW: I’m sorry I’m late. DAVID: It ______ !

90. I was _____ tired last night that I fell asleep on the sofa.

91. Do you fancy _____ away for the weekend?

92. How often do you have _____?

93. What _____ me about Steve is that he’s always late!

94. By 2030 I believe we will _____ a settlement on Mars.

95. The Prime Minister is going to _____ a meeting this afternoon.

96. I haven’t got my keys. I ____ them at home.

97. As soon as I _____ this book, I’ll help you clean the car.

98. Andy _____ enjoyed backpacking in the foothills of the Himalayas.

99. Jack Reid won the award for best actor, _____ came as a surprise to many.

100. ______ from above, Niagara Falls look even more spectacular.

101. Although the job applicant was well qualified, the interviewers found her ______ .

102. The taxi managed to arrive on time, ______ the traffic was very heavy.

103. The minister was forced to _____ a press conference to deny the rumours.

104. Someone’s taken my mobile! I clearly remember ______ it on the table.

105. After using that cream, my face _____ lots of red spots.

106. Plans to build the new stadium suffered a _____ when the major sponsor withdrew his support

107. I think it’s _____ unlikely that we’ll find the answer.

108. If you _____ find my glasses, let me know.

109. Quite _____ , I think the performance was the worst I’ve ever seen.

110. I wish I ______ go out this evening. I’d rather stay in and watch a film

111. Make sure you’ve had all the necessary injections before going into the jungle, _____ you’ll risk catching tropical diseases.

112. Many companies are expected _____ out of business during the recession.

113. _____ the summer being so hot, sales of air-conditioners rose.

114. It’s time _____ the fact that he’ll never make it as a rock musician.

115. We _____ Frank a hard time about his new sports car.

116. Kim still hasn’t got _____ to starting his essay.

Sledeći zadatak nije namenjen jedino apsolutnim početnicima. Svi oni koji bar nešto znaju treba da ga odrade kako bismo što preciznije odredili na kom nivou je Vaš engleski.

Napišite esej na jednu od sledećih tema. Esej treba da ima između 300 i 600 reči. 
1) Social media simultaneously draws us together and pulls us apart; does the good outweigh the
bad or vice versa?
2) Are printed books better than e-readers?
3) Are professional athletes overpaid?
4) My last summer vacation
5) Describe yourself

Prvi deo testa sa pitanjima je preuzet od Face2face Cambridge Placement Test.